Symfony | PHP Storm
Navigation or find … ⌘ command & mouse klick => on a block, bring you to the original block ⌘ command & mouse klick => in {%extends …%} bring you to the …
Mac – Free, News, Tipps, …
Navigation or find … ⌘ command & mouse klick => on a block, bring you to the original block ⌘ command & mouse klick => in {%extends …%} bring you to the …
Find the folder on the server Go to the Menu to Navigate/Select In After you selec, you find the menu 3. Remote Host That’s all.
This plugin wraps CSS properties in the unitize mixin from Shopware in less files by pressing „Ctrl + U“ and for Mac „Command + U“ By pressing Ctrl + Shift …
Nach Installation von Yosemite wollte PHPSTORM keine CSS mehr aus der SCSS erzeugen. Der Fehler lag dann eigentlich ganz simple am Pfad, der nun heissen musste: /usr/local/bin/scss